Kidus Peteros Hospital CPD Center

Kidus Peteros Hospital CPD Center

About Us


St.Peter Specialized Hospital  training center  was renovated  by  USAID/TB CARE I 

The training center was inaugurated on 5  February 2013.

The Hospital  requested position for the center  from civil service, Ethiopia  to  consider as one of the department in it and to start work officially.

 The required office for training and the  cafeteria  materials and equipments are fulfilled by TB CARE 1.

St.Peter Specialized Hospital has assigned professional as a training  coordinator ,training officer  and other supportive staffs.

The organized training team was started work from the scratch. The training center has no any budget still to conduct any training event

The first step of the training team was experience sharing from  experienced  training center especially from ALERT training center . Based on this they started  writing  proposal to partners to link to the Hospital’s  focused  areas on TB and MDR TB.

The first partners worked with our training center  were  TB CARE 1 and WHO, Ethiopia  funded  us for programmatic management of drug resistant TB ,TB infection control and Second line drug supply management trainings  respectively. Now the training team have got some know how to proceed the event  smoothly.  The required  and additional materials and equipments  are fulfilled by TB CARE 1 in addition to the establishment of the center.

Based on the capacity assessment  done by federal ministry of health in November 2014,our training center was level ”A” by fulfilling the minimum requirements to conduct training.  It was accepted as national TB/HIV training center by federal ministry of health.

Training is a process which deals primarily with transferring or obtaining knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to carry out a specific activity. Training should be based on the assumption that there will be an immediate real life application of the physical or mental skill(s) being learned (as differentiated from education, which is most often directed toward future goals). Training will primarily target front line health care workers those who regularly interact individuals in both clinical and community settings.

Front liners have the potential to positively impact the health and well being of members of their community and would greatly benefit from an increase in public health knowledge.

Quality in-service training (IST) helps to provide quality health care to the society by improving the competency of health workers. Our center is among the selected 35 potential in service training centers in Ethiopia

In-service training is a process of staff development for the purpose of improving the performance of employees with assigned job responsibilities. In the health sector, it is a program designed to strengthen the competencies of health workers. It ensures that health workers already providing services have the opportunity to update their knowledge and skills or mastery of techniques according to the latest scientific information and standardized practices.

In-service Training Institutionalization is creating a system and building the capacity of local training institutions to design and deliver need based in-service trainings to health workers

Generally, the purpose of the training center is to build the professionals in knowledge, skill and attitude in their working area.

The training service is integrated with clinical service to fill  any gaps which is designed to cover by training

St.Peter Specialized Hospital is center of excellence on TB, It is the ideal training site to train TB, TB/HIV and MDR-TB in addition to other comprehensive national  training packages. In line with other experienced training centers in Ethiopia; our center has organized and conducted so many structured national training packages for health care workers to address both clinical and programmatic issues. The training center is accessible for all national and regional health bureaus including federal ministry of health.  The training center has trained many health care workers in different disciplines based on performance need assessment. we are put the training center performance at the end of this portfolio September  2013- July 2016.

The training center is arranged for trainees who want to take any training in self sponsor

Meet Our Team

Meazashwork Assefa Checkol

Phone number:


+2519 10 52 80


Mered Sefani Tetemke

Phone number:


+2519 11 62 62 76       


Kokeb Yedeme

Phone number:


+2519 89581683          



General information

To make the training effective, the center has already fixed the maximum number of trainees per session based on the national in-service training directive. Thus, for one training we will receive 20-25 trainees in each course

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